不幸的是, 许多网上商家认为,只要在电子商务网站上列出产品,就会带来大量的网站流量和丰厚的利润. If you do not pay attention to good search engine optimisation (SEO) for your e-commerce site, it can cost you in the long run. 为搜索引擎优化一个电子商务网站需要做很多工作, 它比处理公司网站或博客的SEO更难. 犯错误的搜索引擎优化错误,你将很难从你的网站赚钱. 下面是一些电子商务网站经常犯的SEO错误, as well as some tips you can use to avoid these common mistakes.

Error #1 – Failure to Add 产品描述


最大的搜索引擎优化错误之一是没有在你的电子商务网站添加产品描述. When you do not include any description, 这使得你的产品页面很难在搜索引擎中排名靠前. 虽然图片很重要,但你仍然需要一个好的产品描述. If you are unsure how long your product descriptions should be, look at the default word count you have on an empty product page, including words in the footer, 导航菜单, sidebar, 等. 重要的是要有独特的描述,总数超过默认数量的作品,这样独特的内容得到更多的权重.

当你在写产品描述时,你需要记住一些事情. 第一个, 确保你写了高质量的描述,这将鼓励客户购买产品. Another idea is to play around with the description word count. 测试几个描述, 有的短一些,有的长一些, to see which description length offers the best conversions. In some cases, too much content can be a problem.

Error #2 – Product Titles that Aren’t SEO Optimised


If your product titles are not SEO optimised and unique, it will hurt your performance in the search engines. Your product titles are extremely important. 重复的产品名称会在搜索引擎中造成问题, so you need to make sure they are unique.

Here are a few things to remember when writing product titles:

  • Keep them under 70 characters
  • Make sure the product title actually describes the product
  • Ensure that the title is unique on your website
  • 在产品标题中使用消费者在搜索该产品时常用的关键字. 最好使用关键词,而不是产品的实际名称或技术名称.

Sometimes it is tough to create product titles that are unique, especially if you have multiple products that are very similar. To help you keep product titles unique, try adding product characteristics, 属性, or brand names whenever applicable.

Error #3 – Simply Using the Manufacturer’s 产品描述

Duplicate 产品描述

不要犯走简单路线和使用制造商的产品描述的错误. 使用制造商的产品描述将导致重复的内容, which will definitely hurt you in the search engines. 确保为每个产品创建新的产品描述.

Writing product descriptions is not always easy, 但有一些建议, you can come up with some great descriptions. When you are trying to write descriptions, 尽量突出产品的物理属性和特征,使产品与其他类似产品区别开来. 你还需要写一些描述来鼓励访问者购买. 在描述中关注产品的特性和好处,这样访问者就能了解产品能为他们做什么.

Error #4 – Failure to Have 产品评论


许多消费者在做出购买决定之前想要阅读产品评论. 如果你的电子商务网站上没有任何产品评论, you are not reaching a large portion of your audience. Review pages also perform well in the search engines, so reviews are essential to the SEO of your site.

Customer reviews offer your website several benefits. 首先,这些评论为您的电子商务网站提供了一些独特的内容,而且这些内容是免费的. 如果你在网页上获得独特的内容有问题,产品评论可以帮助你. As customers add more product reviews, new content will bring the search engines back to your site, and the more your site is updated, the better your site will perform in the search engines.

Error #5 – Long Load Times on Your Ecommerce Site


Is your e-commerce site taking a long time to load? If so, that can cause you multiple problems. 多项研究表明,客户会离开加载速度慢的网站. 如果你的电子商务网站加载速度快,你会产生更多的销售额.

为了达到最佳效果, your site should load in under four seconds, whether consumers are visiting your site on a desktop, 智能手机, 或平板电脑. Some tips you can use to improve your site’s load time include:

  • 确保你的视频和图像被优化以减少加载时间
  • 保持页面优化
  • 确保你的代码是优化的,或者雇佣一个程序员为你做这件事
  • Avoid running an e-commerce site on shared hosting

错误#6 -忘记使用特定关键字优化产品页面

Optimised Product Page with Keywords

如果您忘记使用需求的特定关键字来优化您的产品页面, you will have a tough time bringing traffic to your website. 确保你用消费者搜索的关键词优化了每个产品页面. 目标是使用人们在搜索你的产品时实际使用的关键字. Some great ways to optimise your product page include:

  • Make sure that image alt tag info is filled out
  • Add model numbers to H1 headings and title tags
  • 不要使用框架
  • 确保在H1标题和标题标签中使用品牌名称
  • Avoid stuffing your product pages with keywords

Error #7 – Using URLs That Don’t Include Keywords


许多url似乎与产品无关,这可能会给您的站点带来问题. Make sure that you use URLs that use keywords. Unique URLs that have keywords in them offer several benefits. 首先,它使消费者更容易知道当他们点击URL时他们可以期待什么. 如果你的网址被另一个网站转发,包含重要关键词的网址也证明是有用的. 在url中使用相关的关键字也可以保持链接的相关性.

Error #8 – Problems with 网站可用性


你还需要确保你的网站对访问者来说是可用的. 好的SEO注重用户体验,确保网站对用户友好. 如果你想通过你的电子商务网站赚钱,你的网站必须是可用的. Some of the factors that make a site usable include:

  • The ability to load the site on mobile devices
  • 简单的导航
  • 快速加载时间
  • 伟大的结构


The internet is a powerful tool, 它提供了一个极好的方式向世界各地的消费者销售产品. 然而, if you want to reap the best results, 你需要避免许多电子商务网站常犯的错误. 通过避免这些大的搜索引擎优化错误,你会发现你的网上商店更容易取得成功.