有效的搜索引擎营销 如果做得对,可以为任何在线业务提供高效率吗. 有很多机构提供各种各样的服务,包括 点击付费(PPC)广告,在网上推销你的业务. 在雇用代理机构时, it’s imperative that you know right from the start what you can expect and if they are willing to dedicate the attention and time that’s necessary to proactively benefit your business. Many business owners that elect to take their dealings online find that selecting a PPC agency can be daunting; this is especially true when embarking on 付费广告 for the first time, or for owners who have been fooled by agencies in the past. Manoeuvring through sales pitches and growing familiar with the industry-specific terms and lingo are all exceptionally difficult. 通过本指南, we’ll recommend 10 questions you should ask as a good starting point to determine whether the agency you’re considering is transparent, 致力于产生高质量的结果, 当涉及到 搜索引擎营销服务.

1 .你有什么样的工作经验?


Effective PPC advertising comes with a high level of complexity when it comes to pay per click, 你会对你选择的机构给予极大的信任. You want to opt for a PPC agency that has lots of experience in running successful 搜索引擎营销活动 适用于任何行业的企业. This question ensures that you go for an agency that’s able to successfully place sufficient depth of focus in the paid search space and optimize the efforts associated with your marketing campaign. 该机构应通过认证 谷歌AdWords 和/或通过 Bing的广告,这些认证应该很容易在他们的网站上找到. 他们的澳门十大赌厅app也应该通过谷歌和/或必应认证.

2 .你的客户留存率是多少?


Any PPC agency that’s dedicated to their work and has brought success to businesses they have provided services to should have a high client retention rate. 在审查这个问题时,您也应该询问他们的客户端数据库. 如果一个机构是一个行业的领导者,当谈到点击付费广告, they will have a multitude of PPC programs for businesses in a range of industry 行业. 的 最佳PPC机构 通常留存率至少为90%. 如果你考虑的机构符合这个标准, it indicates that they’ve been able to consistently meet their clients’ goals.



When working with a PPC agency, you want to ensure that you have complete ownership over your AdWords账户. You should always create your own account with the login data and billing information highlighting you as the owner. 的 agencies that provide your business with 付费广告 services should only request access to your account through their ‘My Client Center’ or ‘MCC’ account.



的 最佳PPC机构 will ensure that you meet on a monthly basis, at the very least. 在这次会议上, 你的账户表现应该讨论一下, 任何担忧都应该直接解决. 应该定期通过电子邮件进行沟通. 常见的对话包括与关键字相关的对话, 利基市场的相关性, 以及可能对账户产生正面或负面影响的更新.

5 .你提供什么类型的报告?


当与PPC机构合作时,你必须定期收到 分析报告 你的表现. 最好的机构将能够提供详细和定制的报告. Regular reports will allow you to evaluate the effects that any new advertisements have had on your website or marketing performance, 让你深入了解你的目标受众, 并向您提供您的 PPC活动.



在寻求与PPC机构的合作伙伴关系时, it is important that you evaluate their willingness to share their level of expertise with you, 以及基本信息. 这通常被称为在线商业世界的透明度. You should always be informed of what’s going on with your account and what the agency is doing to ensure your success. If an agency provides vague answers and masks what’s truly happening with your advertising campaigns, one of two things are typically occurring: a) the agency may lack the knowledge needed to run your campaign, or b) they are not devoting the proper amount of time and effort into ensuring your success.



在选择PPC代理机构时, it is imperative that you learn how the company will ensure that your goals for your online business are met. 在大多数情况下, this will be through specially-designed metrics that measure the success rate of your campaign. 的 agency should be able to translate the metrics that they use in such a way that a return on investment is outlined.



但并不是每个PPC机构都提供 登陆页测试和优化最好的人会这样做. You should make certain that the agency that you choose to trust with the success of your online business offers this. 的 success of the landing page is absolutely critical to the overall success of the PPC活动. Testing should be performed on a regular basis so that your website is designed to convert better on a consistent level.

9 .你是否需要长期合同?


If the PPC agency that you have an interest in requires a commitment under a long-term contract, 你应该马上走开. A good PPC agency should always be able to display the results that their actions are rendering. In other words, they should regularly be able to prove how they are contributing to your value. Opt for agencies that work on short-term contracts as these are the ones that will help you achieve as much success as possible.



A positive and productive PPC agency will not hold your account or the data associated with your account hostage, 你应该选择离开吗. 的 best agencies will ensure that you are prepared to move forward and may even offer you a helpful plan to succeed in your endeavours.

Pay-per-Click or PPC is a wonderful advertisement method that targets specifically the audience that is seeking out the products and services you have to offer. 点击付费是你的补充 搜索引擎优化 努力和对你的在线成功是绝对必要的. 通过选择与有能力的PPC机构合作,采取有效的方法, 你将增加你的投资回报, 体验最佳效果, 获得虚拟商业环境的经验, 获得专门的支持, 在你的知识中成长 搜索引擎优化. Use these questions in this guide as a starting point to make certain that you choose only the 最佳PPC机构!

如果你有兴趣了解更多关于如何选择 最佳PPC代理 对于你的业务,以及他们如何能显著提高你的销售额, 保持联系 我们很乐意分享我们的专业知识!