对于许多在线营销人员来说,搜索引擎优化仍然是一个主要问题. Most of their time is spent deciding what actually went wrong with their website albeit the huge amount of strenuous link building efforts that went on to bring about the change. But little do they know that sometimes even simple basic things can cost them their hard earned rankings on search engines.

不管是什么原因, a comprehensive check-up of your website proves worthwhile to determine the actual reason for its non-performance. Here, we give you a complete SEO checklist that will help you boost your website performance.

1. 检查网站结构

Website Structure

Inappropriate navigational structure may hinder the flow of traffic as the overtly complex navigations on your website may confuse your customers big time. To avoid all these, define a navigation structure that includes proper Breadcrumbs Navigation on every page for more clarity and readability.

2. 检查适当的网站加载时间

Website Loading Time

Nobody likes to wait. 这也适用于您的站点. 加载速度较慢的网站意味着更少的客户留存. 加载页面的时间不应该超过5秒. If it takes more, then it is a serious concern which needs to be looked upon. 检查服务器架构, web hosting services, 破损的插件,甚至是破损的脚本.

3. 检查优化的元标签

Meta Tags

Unique and attractive Meta title and description including keywords most relevant to your site are a big advantage. Avoid duplication and make it short and understandable for better visibility. Don’t go beyond 60 characters for a title and 150 characters for the description which is the best practice.

4. 检查没有错误的高质量内容


避免内容中的错误. 拼写错误或语法错误会让你的客户望而却步. Also, include fresh content on your website if your content has become too old. People always look for something new and refreshing every time they visit a page.

5. 检查图像Alt标签

Image Alt Tags

Image Alt tags are useful as they appear in place of the image if the image is not able to load for the some reason. Also, they help to rank the image in search engines which bring in some amount of traffic to your website.

6. 检查W3C验证(HTML和CSS错误)

W3C Validation

Check your website for mark-up validity for the HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc. documents

7. 检查正确的规范化


尽可能避免规范化. This mostly happens if the page is dynamically generated or the session data is appended to the URL when the URL parameters are involved. Using an .htaccess file (present in the root directory of your server) helps avoid such canonicalisation from occurring for your URLs.

8. 检查正确的重定向

Proper Redirection

There’s nothing more embarrassing than an error page that crops up if a visitor lands on any of your pages. To elude this, 重定向页面(当前不存在的页面), temporarily suspended pages or page changed because of the change in URL architecture) on other relevant pages for a seamless transition.

9. 检查合适的h标签

Header Tags

从网站SEO的角度来看,h标签是非常重要的. Simple mistakes in the placement of these tags can be hazardous and can cost you your rankings. Avoid instances like placing an H3 tag before an H2 tag or having no H1 tag at all while including H# tags on same page. Focus on a systematic listing rather than thinking of them as just a numbered list.

10. 检查正确索引的页面

Indexed Pages

Make sure details of every important page of your website is available with Google. 在Google网站管理员工具中检查索引页面的数量. 类似地,使用site:yourURL操作符检查它. 如果两个数字都匹配,那就没什么好担心的. 但如果你发现了不同, then chances are that something is wrong with your robots directives or there may be other accessibility issues. Check also for duplication because they also might be the reason for the difference in the count.

11. 检查正确的URL结构

URL Structure

尝试使用正确定义的URL结构. 也称为语义url, they are user-friendly and contain no strings of letters or numbers that make no sense.

Recommended Reading: 7个想法是一个成功的SEO

12. 检查失效链接

Broken Links

运行一个工具,帮助你检查你网站的坏链接. 一旦你找到它们,根据需要删除或更改它们.

13. 检查单个页面中的总链接

Total Links

Check whether your website contains more than 100 links on a single page. Never go beyond the 100 count as Google can take them as spam links made for unnecessary promotions.

14. 检查“定义良好的站点地图”

Xml Sitemap

包括谷歌和用户都需要的站点地图. A properly defined sitemap on your website helps in easy navigation for user and the .xml version helps Google in knowing the details of your pages with their priorities.

15. 检查合适的机器人.Txt File

Robots Txt File

检查你是否有合适的机器人.txt file in place. Do not accidently block any search engine from indexing your website unless and until you want a certain block on pages.

16. 检查相关关键词

Relevant Keywords

检查你在谷歌上得分的长短语关键字. 最好在你没有登录谷歌的时候这样做. 列出这些人的清单,并以他们为目标,以获得更高的排名. You might also need the keyword list of your competitors to target them as well.

17. 检查GSC中的404错误页面

404 Error Pages

定期检查404错误页面 谷歌搜索控制台 并将他们重定向到网站上相关的重要页面. If the page currently does not exist then create a real page that is appealing to the visitor.

18. 检查有价值的外部链接

External Links

获取网站外部链接的完整列表. Remove those links that you think are low quality or which are not relevant to your services. 此外,检查他们是否被黑客攻击或仍然活着. Make it a point to include the rel=”nofollow” code to all external links of the website.

Final Words

At 澳门十大赌厅app下载, we have an excellent team of qualified SEO professionals who are masters in their art. 请致电我们的专家团队或 write to us 想要了解更多澳门十大赌厅appSEO services. We guarantee you effective tips and tricks to boost your rankings and impress your customers by offering great user-friendly websites.