The Intranet is a term used to describe an organisations collection of private computer networks, and network technologies that are used to help facilitate collaboration and communication between work groups or people. 内部网有助于提高共享数据的能力. 内部网使用标准的软件技术和网络硬件, 包括web服务器, web浏览器, 无线网络, 和以太网. 在大多数情况下, 内部网提供互联网接入, 但它有防火墙, ensuring that the computers on the Intranet can’t be accessed directly from outside sources.

内部网通常被用作公司内部的生产力工具. While a simple Intranet may only include a message board service and an internal email system, more complex Intranets may include databases and websites with company information, 形式, 和新闻, 还有人事信息. Intranet often incorporates databases, documents, and internal websites as well.


Using the internet offers many excellent benefits when used in business environments. The following are just a few of the benefits that businesses can enjoy by implementing Intranet solutions.


使用内部网的主要好处之一是便于通信. Many Intranet portals make it possible to customise data that each employee can view based upon that individual’s department.


内部网改善协作, 让员工更容易互动, 甚至跨部门. Document management features make it easy for multiple individuals to work on a single document.软件开发服务


通过内部网更容易找到东西, since they generally offer a centralised search function to make it easy to find things.


企业在使用内部网时享有灵活性, 因为有可能决定哪些信息对您的业务至关重要, 以及您希望如何显示该信息. You can design your Intranet layout specifically for the needs of your business.


内部网还提供了低成本的解决方案,因为许多解决方案都是负担得起的 软件包 如今,在线解决方案已经可用.


Using Intranets allow companies to go paperless, which saves a significant amount of money. 公司所有的重要文件都可以通过内部网发布, 这些数据也很容易获取.


因为所有员工都可以访问信息, 电子邮件, 以及其他重要数据, 内部网还提高了工作效率. 员工可以完成更多的工作,响应时间也大大缩短.


在开始实施内部网之前,有一个计划是很重要的. An Intranet isn’t a short term system it’s an investment that your organisation will investment a significant amount of time into, 所以你需要在一开始就做一些计划. 选择错误的产品或方法可能代价高昂, so make sure you follow these helpful tips and ideas for planning your Intranet implementation.


It’s important to identify the needs of your business and staff members to make sure you choose the Intranet solution that fulfil those needs. 你可以利用职场观察, 焦点小组, 调查, 可用性测试, 以及其他识别员工需求的技巧.



Once you’re aware of your needs, now you need to come up with some Intranet project goals. 最好的目标应该集中在重要的业务成果上, 确保你的内部网能为你提供有价值的资源. 一些目标可能包括提高决策能力, 提高生产力, 提高员工敬业度, 改善客户服务.

考虑建筑vs. 购买

你有两个选择. 你可以建立或购买自己的内部网. 许多公司认为建立内部网更容易也更便宜, but only companies with experienced IT and development management teams will benefit from building an Intranet system. Most companies find that an out-of-the-box solution offers the best results if you choose a provider that offers specialist Intranet solutions or 在线协作解决方案.


It’s important to have an Intranet project team that will manage the implementation of the Intranet, 以及它未来的成功. 一个好的团队应该包括赞助商, 指导委员会, 项目经理, 以及内部网管理和治理委员会.



  • 易用性
  • 高质量的搜索引擎
  • 包含协作工具的人员目录
  • 用户反馈
  • 用户分析
  • 内容和安全控制
  • 电子表格


采用内部网可能会遇到一些挑战和障碍, 哪些通常是由于员工接受的问题而导致的. 刚开始,通常很难让员工使用内部网. 然而, there are things that companies can do to ensure that employees begin using the Intranet fully. The following tips can help you address many of the concerns that come with Intranet adoption.

秘诀1— 将内部网比作社交网络

大多数员工都非常熟悉流行的社交网络. 而内部网的运作方式不同, comparing your Intranet to a social network can give your employees the confidence needed to jump into using the Intranet.

提示2 - 强调内部网的重要性

You need to let employees know how important your Intranet is to the daily operation of your company. A sense of urgency without pressure can help employees start using the Intranet to improve job performance.

秘诀3— 确保你有一个高质量的搜索引擎

Sometimes it’s difficult to use an Intranet if there’s a lack of organisation, 特别是如果你只有糟糕的搜索选项. 高质量的搜索引擎 and proper tagging can make it easier for employees to begin using the Intranet.


如果你想让员工采用新的内部网,那么易用性是必不可少的. 你不希望员工浪费时间学习如何使用内部网, 所以确保你的内部网有一个用户友好的界面.

提示5 - 培训员工

A bit of training can go a long way if you want to improve employee adoption of the new Intranet. Just make sure you break up training sessions so you don’t overwhelm your employees.

移动内部网 是必须的

确保选择移动内部网是非常重要的. 越来越多的员工比以往任何时候都在家工作, and many companies have employees that work from alternate offices or work sites. It’s essential to make sure that employees can access your Intranet, no matter where they may be. 当您决定构建移动内部网时, 你有两个选择:移动应用和响应式设计. 这两种选择各有利弊, so you’ll need to choose the option that will work best for the needs of your company.


Before initiating an Intranet strategy, Intranet designers often follow these important steps:

第1步 进行调查

Survey management and employees to find out what workers consider to be top priorities.

2 . - 制定计划

根据调查的信息, 提出一个包括内部网目标的项目计划, 以及它对商业的潜在用途.

3 . - 评估软件供应商

要了解更多信息,请开始评估一些可用的软件供应商. Address the critical issues and 联系 the vendor’s help desk to find out who can offer the best solution for your company’s most demanding needs.

4 . 查看其他网站和内部网

To find ideas on the best Intranet design aspects, take time to review other websites and Intranets. You may also want to talk to the Intranet administrators that work for other companies.

5 . - 与IT部门合作

你的IT部门将是内部网的骨干, so talk to the technicians in your company’s IT department to get feedback from your IT team.

6 . - 指定内容所有权

指定内容所有权也很重要. 设计师需要了解用户的角色, 以及他们的权威, which makes it possible to provide essential access to multiple individuals within the hierarchy of the company.

7 . - 布局基本架构

开始创建内部网基本架构的布局. You should use a design that is flexible, while leaving the ability to add changes in the future.

8 . - 进行评估

Once you’ve completed the project, conduct an evaluation to get important feedback. 如果需要的话,利用这些反馈对你的内部网进行修改和更新.


内部网提供了许多好处, 为你的公司增加内部网是一个明智的决定. 然而, it’s important to handle the implementation and adoption of the Intranet carefully, 确保你现在和将来都能享受到最好的结果.