随着越来越多的公司 创建培训课程 、合规等., the attention is shifted to the instructional designer who has the task of putting all the raw material together to come up with a course which is not only engaging but ticks off the boxes for the 学习成果.

So, what are some qualities an Instructional designer should possess?


Knowing the target learner is crucial before anything else. ID需要理解学习者在做什么, what they need to learn and understand the best method of course delivery for this target.

Example 1: Developing a Course for Harassment in the Workplace

  • 目标受众会使用电脑吗
  • 他们的工作技能是什么
  • 互动式课程是否有益


  • Is the 目标受众 older managers or a young team of managers
  • 他们是应届毕业生还是熟练劳动力

In both these examples, the ID would ask different questions to ascertain the suitability for 电子学习课程开发.


You ask this question because you want to determine who the 目标受众 is? Whether they are white collar workers, blue collar workers, a mixture etc…

如果情况是 目标受众 is a group of car parts installers working on a factory floor who now have to complete a course for Compliance reasons, then you need to take into account that they may not have much time on a daily basis to have access to a computer. 像这样, 在设计课程时, you may want to still include relevant text but based on their experience of handling equipment day in and day out, it may be fun to include games or challenges which still satisfy the 学习成果 but puts the learner in a comfort zone of ‘I know this’

同样的, if this same course was designed only for upper management and senior managers, the ID may take a completely different approach and give the course a more corporate feel whilst still maintaining the 学习成果.


你会问这些问题, 因为如果你已经有了熟练的劳动力, the ID may consider creating a quick refresher course to cover basics and then provide new research. 然而, 如果这门课是针对年轻人的, then there is a need to include more details in the course with more real life examples as the group may not have had that much experience managing teams.


An Instructional designer has to be a detailed oriented person. They need to constantly review their storyboard and ensure all looks in order before course development. 课程后发展, 在课程发送给客户审阅之前, take an extra 15-30 minutes and go through each screen to make sure it all looks good. 大多数时候, an experienced ID will pick up most of the errors (including grammar, 拼写, 流, 字体).

It is almost impossible to have 100% accuracy but if you are detailed from the beginning, 然后,当收到客户端的反馈时, the turnaround time for changes are generally quicker.


Whilst it is very important to be creative and imaginative and wanting to add two hundred features to the course, an Instructional designer must be able to reign it all in to ensure this is all well within the project specification and scope. 运用他们的分析能力, 一个好的ID应该能够理解内容, the context of it and how to simplify it to present it in digestible portions.


善于表达, 善解人意, 好的倾听者, 很好的提问方式, 谈判代表, and collaborator are some words to describe an Instructional Designer when it comes to communication. Being able to confidently articulate will allow for misconceptions to clear and create a path for open communication with the client from 计划ning all the way to the delivery of the course.

The list goes on and on but we have highlighted some important qualities which will enable the Instructional designer, 计划, 开发并交付客户要求的课程.