Learning Outcomes is a description of what students will be able to demonstrate after going through the course. 因此 在线课程开发, activities and assessments must be aligned with the learning outcomes.

Below, we show you examples of well written learning outcomes.

示例# 1


After the completion of this course, students will understand the different social media tools such that they will be able to:

  • Describe the difference between 脸谱网 and 推特
  • Create a business page on 脸谱网
  • 在推特上发布推文
  • Locate the three main key areas in 脸谱网
  • Demonstrate how to pin a photo on Pinterest

例# 2

Fitness and Wellbeing Course

After the completion of this course, students will learn the importance of physical fitness and wellbeing such that they will be able to:

  • Name the 3 most important muscles in our body
  • List 5 food items which are high in sugar
  • 正确举重
  • Perform 20 pushups in under 30 seconds
  • Demonstrate the use of 5 gym equipment’s

示例# 3


After the completion of this course, students will learn the importance of entrepreneurial skills to set up their own online small business such that they will be able to:

  • Identify some of the traps to avoid when setting up a new business
  • Engage with like-minded 专业人士 online
  • 建立一个LinkedIn个人资料
  • Prepare a business plan for the bank
  • Analyse your online competition

In all the three examples, the learning outcomes are very specific. However, to ensure that they work, the learning outcomes must be incorporated in the course. Also, they must be used in activities and assessments to tie it all together.

You want your student to be able to successfully tweet on 推特. But if you do not tell them what 推特 is, or do not give them an activity to show them how to use 推特 what is the point? 类似的, someone doing an entrepreneur course; unless you do not introduce them to LinkedIn and give them an exercise to do, it is pointless listing it as a learning outcome.

Take your time to write your learning outcomes. They will be very useful for future evaluation of your courses. It will ensure whether the learning has helped students learn and acquire new knowledge and skills.