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Online Training Trends to Watch Out for in the Coming Year

By | December 9th, 2015|eLearning Solutions|

Online learning continues to evolve and change, especially with the rapid emergence of powerful intelligent technologies and tools. New developments continue to expand the possibilities of online training, helping to improve the effectiveness of eLearning. With new developments, online learning becomes more engaging and learners have an improved chance of success. While some trends fizzle

The Importance of Aims and Objectives in eLearning Course Development

By | November 23rd, 2015|eLearning Solutions|

Before writing aims and objectives, we need to first clearly distinguish between the two. What are they and why are they critical in eLearning course development?

8 Exciting Content Strategies That Will Impact Your Search Engine Presence

By | October 6th, 2015|Digital Marketing|

Many websites have a complete content marketing strategy in place just in the hope that they might have a successful run on the SERPs leading them to greater revenues and broader reach. But little do they know that it makes no sense in piling up loads of content with little or no meaning at all.

The Experts Guide to a Complete SEO Health Check-up for Websites

By | September 29th, 2015|Digital Marketing|

For many online marketers, SEO still remains a major concern. Most of their time is spent deciding what actually went wrong with their website albeit the huge amount of strenuous link building efforts that went on to bring about the change. But little do they know that sometimes even simple basic things can cost them

10 Essential Tips to Designing and Developing Websites

By | September 23rd, 2015|Website Development|

There are innumerable ways in which a website can achieve the required rankings and conversions for their business. Starting from the right SEO strategies to appealing content to attractive website design, and many more, businesses now need only the right mix to make an impact on the audience and Google altogether. Henceforth, designing and developing

5 Beautiful Web Designs – Colour is of the essence

By | September 7th, 2015|Website Development|

What role does colour play in web design? Can it determine the effectiveness of the message and the manner in which it's perceived? Through the years, we've figured out that colour is one of the biggest web design essentials. We've been giving our clients access to quality web design services for some time. Recently, we

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