许多在线商店经常面临购物车放弃问题,这会影响整体业务,降低roi和品牌价值. 如果你的Magento网络商店在不到3秒的时间内加载,那么你的网站已经是高性能的.

What happens if your site take a longer time to load? What are the repercussions? 这篇文章将把你所有的担忧都放在一边,我们将指导你一些可靠的解决方案 front-end Magento website design and development 这提高了你的整体性能,并为你提供了一个始终如一的性能和优化的网络商店,你的客户会喜欢的.

Slow loading websites attract less customers. Currently, 18%的购物者在没有购买任何东西的情况下放弃了购物车,因为他们对网站加载缓慢感到沮丧. Such slow sites are also neither on Google’s 最喜欢的列表或任何其他搜索引擎,并减少了被他们索引的机会.



  1. Reducing the number of HTTP requests
  2. Optimising JavaScript
  3. Optimising CSS
  4. Optimising Images

Below, 我们详细解释了如何克服这些障碍,有效的前端网站设计解决方案,以获得最佳的Magento性能,并提高您的销售数字.

Reducing the number of HTTP requests

When a web page is loaded, every stylesheet, 页面上的脚本和图像必须从浏览器到web服务器进行单独的往返,以便正确显示. For this reason, 由于每个组件在服务器和浏览器之间来回传输所需的延迟时间(HTTP请求), 加载页面的速度会延迟,从而导致用户交互的障碍.

To overcome such delays and reduce the number of HTTP requests, 一个有效的经验法则是将所有脚本和CSS文件组合成尽可能少的文件,以减少请求的总数,而不是以不同的方式执行每个HTTP请求. However, this becomes tedious if the components vary from page to page.

Merging CSS files in Magento

1. Login into Admin panel.

Magento Admin Login Panel
2. Go to > Configuration > ADVANCED > Developer > CSS Settings

Magento Configuration

Magento DeveloperMagento CSS Settings
3 .Opt for ‘Merge CSS files’
4. Click ‘Yes’

Magento Merge CSS Files

Merging JavaScript in Magento

Similarly, you can also combine all JavaScript files into one.

Login into Admin panel.
Go to > Configuration > ADVANCED > Developer > JavaScript Settings

Magento JavaScript Settings
Opt for ‘Merge JavaScript’
Click ‘Yes’

Magento Merge JavaScript

One done, you can see the difference in the below image.

Multiple and Compressed JavaScript Files

Optimising JavaScript

Optimising JavaScript

Optimising JavaScript for your web pages can be done in innumerable ways. Here, 我们提到了一些可以优化JavaScript代码的方法,并在此过程中获得跨不同服务器位置的平滑和无麻烦的页面呈现.

Using CDN

而不是改变你的web应用程序来适应分布式架构, 使用CDN(内容分发网络)总是可行的,其中您的内容可以分散在多个地理位置的服务器上,以便轻松快速地访问网页. 事实上,用户的大部分响应时间都花在下载网页上的不同组件上,比如样式表, images, CSS and many more. Thus, 首先分散静态内容可以显著减少响应时间,从而更快地向用户交付内容.

Safely setting up Tracking Scripts

External Scripts like tracking scripts (such as Google Analytics etc.)需要安全设置,以避免在页面加载和网页上的其他事件处理程序期间阻塞. 这是因为当浏览器在从上到下读取页面时遇到脚本标记时,html页面的头部或正文部分中的这些脚本会停止浏览器上页面的呈现过程. 这反过来会阻止页面上出现的其他脚本,因为有些脚本具有修改页面的能力, 向页面添加直接影响页面加载时间的变量或其他附加脚本. Hence, to avoid these scenarios you can:

  • Include the script tag at the bottom of the section
  • Include the script codes after a load event
  • Include asynchronous tracking codes

External Services Inclusion

Social media buttons are some popular tools for a webpage today. Hence, 由于人们在浏览过程中经常使用这些按钮,因此有必要优化页面加载. A better option is to include the code for all social media requests under one script and include it at the end of the code of your page just above the .

Defer JavaScript

延迟JavaScript代码的过程表示页面已完全加载,然后解析JavaScript代码以加快页面加载时间. 这样的代码不会影响页面的性能,而只是重新排列整个加载过程以获得最佳结果.

Optimising CSS

Optimising CSS

The best way possible to optimise your CSS files is to place them in the section of a page rather than at the bottom. Some important rules are:

  • Include not more than once external CSS stylesheet
  • Avoid inline CSS
  • Avoid @import calls
  • Include small CSS in style tags above-the-fold content

Optimising Images

Optimising Images

避免使用较大的图像,因为您可以在html中设置图像的宽度和高度. In addition, having a favicon.ico under 1k is beneficial. This favicon.Ico的使用是不可避免的,因为浏览器总是请求它们,并且每次此类请求都会发送cookie. So it is better not to return an error page during such requests.


如果您对Magento网站开发服务或如何增加您的业务的投资回报率有任何疑问,请不要犹豫,拨打 澳门十大赌厅app下载 experts today!