

发展强大的, 有效的, and cohesive 链接建设策略 is often considered to be one of the greatest challenges that those in eCommerce face. 如果你有互联网业务, it is quite likely that you have addressed the multitude of technical details associated with the virtual backend of your website, 包括确定你需要排名的关键字和短语, working carefully to ensure that your internal link structure can successfully be crawled by search engines, 还有一系列其他任务. 下一步是什么? Developing link building strategies are essential to achieve the next level of success in competing in an online marketplace and thriving on the World Wide Web. 在这个简短的指南中, we’ll provide you with some information on 5 eCommerce link building strategies that really work.


Before starting on the steps that will have you link building like a pro in no time at all, 让我们首先定义链接建设,这样我们就在同一个页面上了. 链接建设是一种形式 搜索引擎优化更具体地说,是页面外优化. This is the process that helps your business acquire hyperlinks from other online platforms such as blogs, 网站, 以及社交媒体平台, 转到你的网站. 超链接, 或者简称为“链接”, is what website visitors use to navigate between various 网站 and pages. Additionally, major search engines like Google utilise these links in order to crawl through the web. 反过来, 如果你的链接建设策略是成功的, higher amounts of traffic will be able to ‘find’ your website and you’ll rank higher in search engines. 通过雇佣最多的人 有效的链接建设策略, 你不仅会发现自己领先于竞争对手, but you’ll also enjoy higher rankings in your niche across all major search engines.


The very first step to formulating a 成功的链接建设策略 is to obtain backlinks from relevant sources; these include 供应商, 供应商, 经销商, 制造商, 以及其他属于你的利基市场的网站. Many refer to this process as ‘leveraging the power of business relationships’. While this may seem to be a challenging endeavour, it is actually one of the easiest strategies. Quite simply, it is the process of requesting backlinks from everyone you do business with. 大多数公司, 供应商, and other business groups in which you do business will want to continue working with you on a professional level and would be happy to provide you with a backlink. Your job is simply to ask, and in many instances you can probably expect to receive easy backlinks.


If you’re looking for methods to increase the amounts of links pointing to your eCommerce website, you might want to try having occasional product giveaways and/or broadcast special offers. You must ensure that the products and/or offers that you are advertising to your target audience are actually appealing to them, 是有趣的, 而且会被认为是令人兴奋的. This increases the possibility of your giveaway and/or offer going viral. If it does, you’ll instantly get a multitude of backlinks to your website. 这不仅是一种与你的目标受众建立联系的有趣方式, it’s highly 有效的 for accumulating a ton of free links back to your website!


竞赛 are a wonderful way to promote your brand and accumulate a large number of high-quality backlinks to your website. One of the most 有效的 contests is to encourage participants to blog about the contest that you are hosting in order to qualify. Many 网站 may cut out the blogging participatory regulation and instead make the qualification something simple like subscribing to news feeds, 在社交媒体平台上分享内容, 或通讯. 你为比赛提供的奖品也可以很简单. 一些例子是免费的书,一个闪存驱动器,或礼品卡. Larger gifts can include a smartphone, an external hard drive, or a more substantial gift card. 选择权在你! Everyone loves a contest and will be excited to engage in the steps that you outline to qualify for winning the top prize!


我们都听过“内容为王”这句话。. 这在今天仍然适用. If you want to get a large number of links pointing back to your eCommerce website, 你必须创造和推广独特和引人入胜的内容. 内容是否写好并不重要, 通过幻灯片展示, or in the form of a video – it must be out there and readily available to your target audience and other internet users. 在创建和推广你的内容时, it is absolutely essential that you integrate the keywords and phrases that you are attempting to rank for in your niche. Additionally, it helps to know the types of content that receives the highest number of backlinks. These include: content that provides detailed information such as data and statistics relevant to your industry, 资源列表, 专家名单, 来自你所在行业的报告, 比较的帖子, 以及那些能够有效地运用幽默来表达观点的人.


Another great 链接建设策略 that will help you achieve high levels of success with your eCommerce site is finding and promoting the work of brand ambassadors. These are individuals that work to represent or talk about your business in a positive way. These individuals provide credible and trustworthy information about your eCommerce site in many ways. The most common methods include blogging about your business or sharing your content on 社交媒体网站. 这些人有助于使你的品牌看起来更平易近人, 展示对品牌的忠诚, spread information about your products and/or services 有效的ly through word-of-mouth, 提升你的网络声誉, 并且在链接建设活动方面具有很高的成本效益.

如果你准备好了 线下优化 and link building to the next level, simply follow the strategies outlined in this brief guide. 努力从与你的利基相关的来源获得反向链接. Give away products and broadcast offers in order to draw the attention of your target audience and increase your chances of going viral. 举办有趣和令人兴奋的比赛,促进链接分享. 创造和推广独特和引人入胜的内容. 然后,寻找并推广品牌大使的工作! 不知不觉中, your eCommerce site will be receiving vast amounts of traffic and be ranking exceptionally high in all major search engines!

要了解更多链接建设策略, 保持联系 we’d love to show you how 线下优化 can propel your eCommerce website to greater sales!