科技术语. 作为一个 网络开发公司, your use of tech jargon may be part of the job. However, take a step back and think of your clients. Your polite clients may be overburdened with terms they do not quite understand. They keep quiet and continue with the project crossing their fingers that it all ends soon.

So, what do you do as a web design company? Do you dumb down the communication or do you educate your client instead.

There are some common terms used in 网页设计. We will explore two examples below and show you how to clearly explain terms to your clients to avoid frustration and confusion.

场景# 1

Eye care specialists - web design client

有个客户来找你 为诊所创建一个网站 专门研究眼部健康的. They want to be able to manage their own content.


No worries, we can help you build a dynamic site and ensure accessibility for your clients. We will make it interactive and also ensure we provide a secured back-end to make content updates.


Accessibility, how, they have not even asked who will be likely to use the website!! 什么端?


你的目标受众是谁? Will you have visually impaired people also visiting the site? 你需要网站上的声音吗? We require this information so that when we create the website, we ensure that the accessibility to the website is a comfortable experience for your visitors. 也, as part of your website, we also offer a 内容管理系统 where you can go online at any time and make changes to the content on your website.

场景# 2


客户想要 创建一个销售汽车零部件的网站. They have hundreds of products and many categories. They want to ensure the user is aware what page they are on and how to go back to the main page or other pages without clicking too much. 也, they are hard pressed for time and so they may only be able to provide content for some pages but need the site up at the earliest.


No worries, we can help you build your website. Using breadcrumbs we will ensure your visitor is aware of where they are at all times. Lorem Ipsum will solve the problem of blank content.


面包屑是什么?? I have heard of Lorem Ipsum but how is it relevant to 网页设计?


We have recently worked on a few client sites where they had similar requirements as yours. Let me send you this link and you can view what we can do for you. 这些被称为 面包屑或面包屑痕迹 and are very useful within the site hierarchy. (Or if the client is in a face to face meeting with you, draw it out)

例子: 澳门十大赌厅app>>Cars>>BMW>>Ignition Parts

不要担心内容. 你可以加上 Lorem Ipsum文本 in the pages where you cannot provide content to us in time. Lorem Ipsum is a dummy text and this is used worldwide, so it is universally recognised.

以上只是两个例子. There are many more examples but the point, try to be specific and take an extra five to ten minutes to educate your client. 另外, you may want to create a FAQ on your website with images and examples so that clients understand what you can do for them.