Despite the popularity of 在线学习 among tech-savvy and learning-savvy people, 许多人仍然对在线课程持怀疑态度. These doubts have translated into myths that should be busted before these cause more people to turn away from 在线学习 and, 在这个过程中, miss out on great opportunities for personal and professional growth.

1 .网上学习很无聊. 我不想无聊.

You will be surprised with what 在线课程 offer these days. 随着科技的发展 在线学习, 课程以小测验的形式出现, 游戏, 基于场景的学习, click and reveal and a whole range of other activities that not only motivate the learner but simplifies complex content into bite sized information which can be understood easily.

2 .在线学习很简单

就像课堂学习一样, 在线学习 has its challenges in both the curricular and extracurricular aspects. You must have effective and efficient time management skills in order to balance your work, 家庭与学习. 你也应该有良好的学习习惯 在线课程 provide students with the same challenges as classroom-based programs but with a difference – you have the flexibility of anywhere, 随时随地学习.

#3 Online Degrees Are Not Accepted by Employers

现在, legitimate providers of 在线课程 have accredited programs authorised by the public (i.e., regulatory government agencies) and private 行业 (i.e., certifying organisations conducting certification exams). The certifications and diplomas issued by these education providers to their graduates are then recognised by employers, thanks to their compliance with the strict regulatory requirements imposed by the concerned government agencies and private organisations.


Teachers are still present for 在线课程 since the tools of technology, 比如联网电脑, 只是学习的工具吗. Accredited online programs also have licensed and trained teachers that guide students in acquiring the required knowledge and skills under the program. Students can interact with their teachers via emails, 聊天, 讲座课程, 以及网站上的讨论帖.

5 .在线课程没有时间表

Online programs have definite timetables for the completion of examinations, 作业, 和家庭作业, 在其他活动中. Students should comply with the deadlines set by the teachers to keep the program on track. Teachers and administrators of the online programs will also likely follow the semester schedule set by other universities and colleges, especially when the online programs are the web-based counterparts of classroom-based programs.


Ethics plays a big part in the prevention of cheating among students in online programs. But teachers also use many tools in encouraging academic integrity among students as well as in monitoring their activities when on the site.


Just because online students are in their homes or offices while attending their virtual classes do not mean that they are lonely, 远非如此. Students have the opportunity to interact in real-time with their fellow students and teachers via discussion boards, 在线聊天, 和视频会议. Students and teachers will also get to know each other via the face-to-face interactions at one point of the program.

Stop believing these myths and start getting hold of the facts about 在线学习. You will soon discover that 在线课程 are your stepping stones toward greater things in life. 有广泛的主题可供选择, 今天就开始学习.